A Vision of Worship

From Vicky Adkins


This morning as I was spending time with the Lord in prayer, I asked Him for something to share with us – something to encourage and give hope in this hour. I often ask Father for things and then forget later that I asked. Maybe that has something to do with my age…I don’t know…or maybe sometimes – like today – He takes the memory away so that I don’t question something He gives me in response to the request.

He knows the enemy is hard at work to discourage those Father speaks to in the manner in which He does to many of us, so it’s always a delight when He answers a request and then reminds me that I asked for it! That was the case today. When I sat down later to write Him a letter in my journal, I was still not in remembrance of the request I’d made earlier.

I thought to just write a letter of praise, which I love to do. For the sake of the vision that followed, I am including the entire entry. Blessings to each of you, dear brothers and sisters in THE Christ. Much love to all!!!

Now, here is the entry and the vision… Good morning, Father! Blessings and honor and glory and power are Yours forever! Righteous and Holy, Just and True, Faithful and Glorious, Extravagant in Love, Abundant in Mercy, Generous in Grace, Magnificent and Majestic, Eternal Creator, Valiant Warrior, Consummate Conqueror, Keeper of Truth…

(and the vision begins) I see these words being emblazoned across the heavens as I write them, shining, sparkling, some in solid gold, others in vibrant colors, all accompanied with music. Some songs are deep, rich notes and chords. Some songs are similar to what a processional played by a marching band would be – only much, much better. Encircling all of it is an army of trumpets – gold and silver in color.

I see dancers with beautiful banners, waving them in the air – all proclaiming the Name of the Risen One…The King of kings…The Lord of Lords. I hear choirs singing – many choirs – each with a different song, yet all singing the same thing simultaneously. I see all male choirs and all female choirs, as well as groups of both male and female. I see children’s choirs dressed in beautiful white garments and other children’s choirs dressed in beautiful colors of every kind. Even the laughter of the children are songs of music.

I see processions of animals coming to honor the King, bowing in respect, and filled with great joy and appreciation. I see waves lifting up and crashing like cymbals, as even the waters join in the song. I hear streams and brooks bubbling like bells and rivers running like the sounds of stringed instruments – violins and cellos, violas, and such, singing in harmony and wildly joyful in praise to the Living Water.

I hear The Voice of Many Waters answering with great and overpowering love. I see flocks of birds soaring high, circling, diving in unison, sounds of music pouring forth from the beating of their wings and the cries of their voices. I hear the sound of the wind, bringing forth the songs of the trees as it passes through their branches. I hear the music of the leaves as the wind lifts and turns each one, and the sounds are the words they speak of love for The Creator God.

I see flower petals dancing, each to the sound of music pouring out through leaves and stems, drenched in the love of God. I watch as the great beasts make their way to the throne, there to bow in reverence and awe before their Maker.

I hear the sounds of Beings beyond my vision…Beings so great in size and majesty, terrible to behold…beyond description, mighty beyond understanding, fierce warriors and defenders of our God. Created and answerable to Him alone, they are too fierce to be allowed to see in this human state. I see waves of color like enormous ribbons, wide and long. They move with graceful ease, undulating with the music that flows from their being, weaving and winding their way across the land. Each color has a fragrance all its own, and a sound – a song all its own, as well.

Their songs, never ending in composition, are always songs of praise and adoration. I see clouds filled with jewels that sparkle in brilliant color as the shapes of each cloud shifts and swims across the skies. I see the jewels fall like rain and watch as the ribbons of color dance in the beautiful rainfall. I see houses made with walls of water and floors of sand beautiful and white…others with glorious color.

I see houses made with every kind of flower, and others still made with stars. And I see benches made with soft cotton and water slides for children, made of only water. I hear a sound – a call to worship going out across the land. All creatures turn to go up as one great assembly to the Throne of the Great I Am. Man, woman, child, beast, angelic host all turn to go up. Every creature, every part of His creation was singing.

And I watch as He gives His undivided attention to each one – no one left out, no one ignored, no one overlooked – He is not in a hurry to move on to the next worshipper. Each one will be embraced. Each one will be honored by His love and His presence, His time and attention…as if they were the only one He created.

And I see Him turning His gaze in my direction to say this is just a glimpse…that ‘eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of man what great things He has in store for His people.’ I hear Him say that what He has shown is a moment in a time of worship in His kingdom.

He says there will be much more to be seen, to hear and to enjoy when His precious ones are home with Him at last. He says that we are to let our hearts be light, even in the days of trouble ahead…to think on and remember His great promises and all that He has taught us about Who He Is… He says that joy in Him will carry us through, and we need to be practicing that joy every day. He also gave these verses from Isaiah 30 for a reminder of how we should be living these days.

Even in the midst of the darkness we see all around us – darkness which will increase – there is a mindset He wants for His people, and the example is found here… 29 You shall have a song As in the night when a holy festival is kept, And gladness of heart as when one goes with a flute, To come into the mountain of the Lord, To the Mighty One of Israel. 30

The Lord will cause His glorious voice to be heard, And show the descent of His arm, With the indignation of His anger And the flame of a devouring fire, With scattering, tempest, and hailstones. 31 For through the voice of the Lord Assyria will be beaten down, As He strikes with the rod.

32 And in every place where the staff of punishment passes, Which the Lord lays on him, It will be with tambourines and harps; And in battles of brandishing, He will fight with it.

May our Great and Mighty Father GOD – THE ALMIGHTY GOD – be glorified in each of us every single day and night for the rest of our lives!

Love you all!!! Hugs!


Henry Gruver Vision — 6 hours in Heaven

He also describes the Flowers and All of Creation Glorifying God and Praising




(Vision: I saw an arch made of some sort of stone. A person walked up to the arch, walked under the arch to stand, and rest. The person was weary. After a bit of time, the arch turned up on its side, with one end up in the air and the other end touching the ground. The person standing under the arch also moved when the arch did, at which point both were parallel to the ground. I understood that the arch was a bow, and the person was an arrow… The Lord said He shoots us to pierce the darkness. The following message was then given. Please see the link following the message for more information.)

My Children, You were made for war. The enemy knows this. He knows you were made for war. The attacks against you have increased, My children. But you do not need to fear. You do not need to run anywhere to hide. You need to hide in Me. Once again, I send you to read what I spoke through my son in Psalm 91. I am your shelter.

I am your “arch support”. I am the arch above you in My vision, (See vision description above) and the arch support for your feet to enable you to endure the race. You are the arrows in My quiver. I am the Bow that shoots you into the darkness of the world to hit the target I have assigned to you. I choose the direction of the arrow. I choose the design of the arrow.

I choose the assignment – the target – and I cover the ‘tip’ with poison to the enemy – the TRUTH – MY Truth in you – on you – is poison to the enemy. It kills with deadly accuracy. My children, you are not just arrows.

You are arrows set on fire with Holy Spirit. You burn with Holy Fire that has been dipped in Me – for I am the Consuming Fire. You are not a ‘one-shot’ arrow! You will be used in different circumstances and even in different ways.

But you are My arrows, set afire, to start a fire in the lives of others…piercing the heart of the lies of the enemy. I will use you often when you do not know you are being used. And I am the Ultimate Hunter. So, stay alert. Do not grow weary. Come stand under the arch of My refreshing love and wisdom.

Find your rest in My protection. Like the arch of My rainbow that carries the promise, so the arch of My covering carries the promise of refreshing rest and protection, for I am above and beside you. Abide! Let your love for people be greater than your dislike of their ways. Get rid of Little Love.

When you were a child, you thought as a child. You spoke as a child. Put away childish things. Stop looking at the shortcomings of others. It is time for Big Love – not Little Love. Stop being offended! Offense is found in Little Love. Little Love only endures for a moment of pain, and then it shuts down.

Big love endures despite the offense, the rejection, the injustice, the inequality. Big love is exactly that…Big. If your love is little, so is your faith. So is your endurance. If your love is little, go read the love chapter in Corinthians. And then, go read My Son’s crucifixion story.

The more you surrender to “Big Love”, the more mature you become. Jesus did not have “Little Love”, or He would have quit when the Pharisees and Sadducees came after Him. He most certainly would have quit long before the Cross.

But His love was Big Love. Look to Him for your example of a life lived in the lines of Corinthians 13. It is all there. Be like Him.

• Love Me more than anything else – at all times, in all circumstances. That is Big Love. • Love others at all times, even when you do not like their behavior, their attitudes, their choices, or their rejection of you. That is Big Love.

• Forgive them when they hurt or disappoint you. That is Big Love.

• Endure when they let you down or turn away. That is Big Love.

• Keep your temper and hold your tongue when you want to lash out. Come to Me instead. That is Big Love.

• Do not damage the tender hearts with accusation or harsh words. Pray for them and be gentle when you speak, slow to anger, quick to forgive, patient in all. That is Big Love. I am The Maker of The Lovers of God. I know you by your love. And if you are wise, you know Me by Mine.

Show them the way to I Am. I Am Big Love. Be Big – like Me! Love conquers all. Let Big Love conquer you. Do not be afraid of the pain or the persecution. Be counted worthy to escape the wrath of God.


The following came in the form of understanding…

 We are not worthy to escape the persecution, any more than Jesus, Who was worthy. He didn’t escape. Be ready.  The sharper tip (of the arrow) is the one who is surrendered…spends time with Father God, refuses distractions, patiently endures, and obeys…loves with Big Love

. • Stop fighting with one another. •

Love one another, even when you do not like one another. •

Stop looking back. I’m here. Now. Are you with Me?

• You will not go forward if you keep looking back. • Hurt is in the past. So is death. Let the hurt and death of the past remain there. You do not need them today nor in the future.

• I set life before you today. Today is. Yesterday is not. This is a portion of the message given. For the entire message, please watch the video linked here: https://youtu.be/4tAPGkHMNFw.



Given January 30, 2017 Released February 17, 2021

(Prayer) Almighty, Holy GOD, Creator of all things, thank You for being Who You are.

Thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness. Thank You for being The Giver of Life. Thank You for Your Gift of Salvation through Your Only Begotten Son. Thank You for making a way for Your people to find You, to repent and to follow You everywhere You lead.

Lord, You see and know all things. You have plans for every nation and You are the One who puts kings and rulers in authority. You say in Your word that we are to pray for our leaders, and I believe You want us to pray for our secular and spiritual leaders. So, Lord we pray over those in authority in this and every nation.

We pray for those who will choose to give themselves over to You if they have not already. We pray for repentance to cover the leaders in this nation. We pray for a true waking up and for eyes to see and ears to hear the call of the Living God, the All Ruler and True Creator of all things.

We pray for the lies and plans and people of the enemy to be exposed. We pray for Your Remnant to rise – and in the Name of The Living Word of GOD, I call out to the Remnant… (The Call) Arise and shine! Stand in holiness! Stand with all you have been given and called to do by Your Creator/King! Give no place to the devils and demons that have come or will come against you! Stay in your position of authority with peace and determination – with your face set like flint – unwilling to give up even one particle of ground that belongs to GOD.

You are called for this hour. Take up your weapons and battle gear. Adorn yourself with GOD’S wisdom by seeking Him for direction every day. Tear down every wall the enemy has made you build by whispering in your ear. Destroy the strongholds that came through every ungodly avenue and event in your life.

Take ax and pick, hammer and saw – cut through, pound, chop and poke out every lie and deception that has kept you from freedom in Yeshua – full freedom to do and be who and what you are in this appointed hour. You are His machine. You are His battle gear. You are His weapons, and you are His ammunition.

You are encased in the metal of GOD – and by your own choice to obey your Captain and Commander, you become impenetrable! You are His explosives, His tanks, His drones, His bombs. You are weapons of GOD, created and crafted by Him, for this day, this battle, this war. You will not be overcome, because you will remain in Him, sheathed as a sword is sheathed in the scabbard…sharpened, shining, polished, and deadly to the enemy.

The Lord will use you to thrust and slice, to pierce, jab and dismember the enemy’s plans and attacks against GOD’S people and those who are lost or in bondage. He will use you to cut the ropes and break the shackles and chains that have imprisoned.

He will use you to sail the high seas of strife, and you will not be swallowed up in the waters of confusion, bitterness, or hatred. Your camouflage will be the anointing of Holy Spirit, and the love of GOD will be your cloaking device to enable you to penetrate the enemy’s camp and free the captives bound there. He – your Lord and God – will lead you by still waters where you will blissfully refresh and be filled anew.

He will do this as you turn to Him in praise and spend time in giving thanks to Him for His leadership and love, His Lordship and Life. He will not send you out empty-handed or ill-equipped. His angel hosts will go ahead of you and alongside you. They will cover you and be your rearguard.

They are fully equipped and dressed for the battle to which you have been called. They will guard you and fight the enemy as he comes against you. They will have every instruction they need from the Lord to fight for you and for the kingdom to which they belong.

As you seek the Lord and obey His commands, the angels will be free to do the work they have been given. Assigned to you – the heirs of salvation – their ministry will be poured out over you and you will receive the instructions they have been told to give you. You will never be alone on the battlefield. You will always have reinforcements – angelic help and Holy Spirit leadership.

You will win conflicts that appear lost, and you will be victorious every time you obey the Lord. You will be victorious in Him, regardless of what appears to be in the carnal/natural outcome. Your weapons of warfare, as described in Ephesians are real, not imaginary.

They are more real than what you can see in the eyes of your flesh, so do not take them lightly! Clothing yourself in the full armor of GOD is only effective if you “put on” those things by walking in them every day. Believe and know that the Lord’s salvation is sure. You were bought with a price.

Wear that helmet as a covering to protect your thought life! Believe! Do not doubt! Guard your heart with the breastplate of righteousness, even as it speaks of how the Bride is clothed with righteousness in Revelation 19:7,8.

Know that your righteousness, upright, just, godly living, deeds, conduct and right standing with GOD, come as you guard (protect) cover your heart with righteousness. Let Truth be your strength. Let your loins – the part of you where you reproduce what lives inside of you – be covered with Truth, filled with Truth, so that you walk in Truth with purity and integrity, leaving the imprint of strength – GOD’S strength – in every situation. Walk in peace. Let your feet be covered with the gospel of peace, so that you walk it out and take it with you into every situation.

Be covered in it, so that you cannot be turned and lose your focus, nor be distracted and take a wrong path, thereby leading yourself and others into more dangerous territory. Get in the Word of GOD more often. It (He) is your sword, and you need it to strike down the lies of the enemy.

You will be able to cleanly slice through deception as you wield that sword. You will be able to cut through tangled brush in the jungle – through things that try to entangle you, and you will be able to pierce the plans of the enemy. You will see those plans bleed out and die! You will be able to dismember the dragons and sever the heads of the snakes that come to kill. You will be victorious!

Your shield of faith must be held at all times! The enemy will try to get you to lower it, but you will keep it in your hand at all times! You will use it to guard all you have and are against the onslaught of the enemy.

Your faith must be and remain strong. The Almighty rules and reigns! He is your Defender! He is your High Tower! He is the Alpha and Omega! His kingdom is secure, and His Lordship is eternal! He goes before you into every battle! He will not fail!

He will not be defeated! He will be victorious!

He is the Victor! NEVER ALLOW DOUBT!

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